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belt weigher terms synonyms

Some Belt Weigher Terms That Mean the Same Thing and a Major One That Doesn’t

Before we get started, please note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of component types and models (we will leave that for the technical documentation), but rather, this is a brief look into some of the industry specific terms that have a common functional meaning and one commonly used but very misunderstood term. What are the typical Belt Weigher synonyms? The typical belt weigher synonyms, used ubiquitously and often interchangeably are: Firstly, let’s start off with the

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magnetic separators blog accurate industries

When It Comes To Magnetic Separators, Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Magnetic strength & depth of magnetic field are heavily linked to the physical size of a magnet. Indeed, the bigger the magnet, the greater the magnetic field. Oversizing a magnet for a magnetic separation application to increase the likelihood of extracting contaminants or to increase the service life of the magnet or to just be ‘on the safe side’ may in fact do more harm than good. So why is installing an oversized magnetic separator a bad business decision? There

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